Monday, January 18, 2010

Assignment 3

For week #2: Two things! Write them in ONE blog!Miesha:

"My Talent is Perseverance"
*What is your talent/gift?

*What are you going to do with it?

*Compare your talent with Miesha's

Literary Connection: Jesus' Parable of the Talents NOTE: In ancient times, a measure of gold was called a talent: There once was a master and he had three servants. He goes on a trip and gives gold to each of them. The first one spends it having a good time, the second one purchases a rug in the market place. The third one goes out into the fields and buries it. When the master returns, he asks them what they did with the gold. The first one says, "I spent it and had a great time with my friends." The master says, "Very Good." The second one says, "I purchased a rug in the marketplace." The master says, "Very Good." The third one says, "Master, you will be most proud of me! I buried it in the fields and here it is!" The master beats him and send him out of his house.What do you think is Jesus' point? What lesson does he teach and how does it connect to you and Miesha? How does this story work on more than one level? This post is due by Tues, January 19th! Be sure to do it by the 18th to do comments!

"Your gift is compassion." My mom said this while getting out of the car.

I've been searching for what my purpose was in life. I finally realized what it was. Compassion. I always cared about helping people and try to make everyone around me happy. Usually compassionate people would go into a medical field like being a surgeon or a doctor. But I want to use my gift to help people in a different way. The way I want to make a difference is through technology. In the future, I hope to become a biomedical technician and come up with new ideas and modify the old to create all the necessary technologies to help the doctors heal people. It's not a direct line to helping people but eventually I will be making a difference in other people's lives. I do believe that the way the world is going, technology will become very advance and technology will be needed more than ever. I am a very compassionate person and I love helping others. I tend to put all my friend's and family's needs before my own and will always try my best to help them in anyway possible.

Meisha's talent and my talent is different. She strives to do well in school to make her brother proud and uses it as a way to get out. She has gone through so much through out her life and still has the strength to keep fighting. I have been privileged and sadly spoiled all my life. I never had to fight for my life or anything to get what I aimed for. Yes, I do work hard to get to the point where I want to be, just like Meisha, but unlike her I don't have to worry about trying to keep out of trouble or family issues. Her talent comes from her experiences and struggles to keep up with everything. While mines comes from my beliefs and convenience of finding a major.

I really like this parable. Jesus is trying to tell all the people of God that if you bury your "talents" and never use it, it'll just stay the same and go to waste. It's like not living up to your potential in life. You have to do the best YOU can and not the best there is. Jesus is trying to get everyone to be proactive and make them get out and do something so they're not just sitting around wasting their lives away. It connects with Meisha and I because if we didn't work hard to make use of our talents, we would end up doing nothing and getting no where in the world. This story connects with people in different ways. Some would think it's talking about actual money and connect it with the saying that you have to spend money to get money. But others would argue and say it's talking about life and how if you don't do the most with it you'll end up in the dirt.


  1. Hahah Kylie! you put "u'll" at the end of your essay!!!!

    BESIDES THAT. Really well written essay. I agree with your mom about your talent being compassion. The essay flowed well and was easy to follow. Good job :]

  2. Kylie,

    I was truely amazed when I read about the way you are going to use your talent. YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Wow, i really admire that. I can't wait for us to grow up and hear your name in the leading biomedical technician field. I am so proud of you, Kylie!

  3. Thanks guys....omg I didn't see that viv....haha I guess I've been IMing too much :P
